EPSU Public Services Network Meeting on public procurement and concessions


PRESENTATIONS: - Brief intro on the draft Directives on public procurement and concessions
2 April 2012, by Penny Clarke

- Pay Clauses in Public Procurement – Results of a project on behalf of EPSU focusing on Denmark, Germany, Norway, Switzerland and the UK
by Dr. Thorsten Schulten, WSI Germany

- The Award of Concession Contracts : CEEP analysis and proposals
Valeria RONZITTI, Acting General Secretary of CEEP

- Draft agenda

- The list of registered participants

- The ETUC position on the EU public procurement framework, adopted 6-7 March {(English and French)}

- The working document for EP rapporteur Marc Tarabella on public procurement in English

for other languages see http://www.europarl.europa.eu 

- The working document from EP rapporteur Philippe Juvin on concessions in English

for info other languages see http://www.europarl.europa.eu

- The assessment on the public procurement Directives from the Network for Sustainable Development in public procurement (NSDPP) (English, French, German)

- EPSU briefing note on the SGI Communication ”Quality Framework on Services of General Interest (SGI)” {(EN only)}

- EPSU briefing on public procurement (EN/FR)

- Global Labour Column on "Renaissance of Pay Clauses in German Public Procurement and the Future of the ILO Convention 94 in Europe"
by Thorsten Schulten

- Public Hearing of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection - „The Award of Concession Contracts“ PowerPoint presentation by Rainer PLASSMANN, Chair of CEEP Services of General Interest Committee

- Joint EPSU/ETF letter on the concessions Driective, 23 March 2012

- Some ’work in progress’ amendments for the public procurement Directives on in-house/public-public cooperation, principles of public procurement, and transparency/public scrutiny

- EPSU resolution on public services, November 2011 (EN/FR/DE/ES/SV/RU)