Progress on hours in Hamburg but strikes continue


Public services union ver.di has secured an agreement with local authorities in Hamburg on working hours. The new arrangements mean that most workers will stay below 40 hours a week but there are exceptions. Weekly hours depend on age, pay level and whether workers have children. So, for example all workers without children in the top four pay bands work 40 hour a week while those with children under the age of 12 work 39.5 hours. Those aged 50 and over in the bottom nine pay bands work 38 hours a week. General secretary Frank Bsirske welcomed the compromise deal but said that strikes in Lower Saxony and Baden-Württemburg would continue. In Baden-Württemburg local council workers have been on strike since 6 February and regional employees since 13 February. Both groups of workers have been on strike in Lower Saxony since the 13th.
Read more at > ver.di
And at > ver.di

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