Climate change - 7th Congress briefing

Cover EPSU Congress briefing 7 Climate change

(15 March 2019) Climate change is the largest single threat to current and future generations. It is posing fundamental challenges for public services and public service workers. This 7th congress briefing outlines how EPSU has been working hard to influence policies at global and European level aimed at decarbonising our economies and pointing out that the pursuit of profit maximisation and growth at all costs are a driver of climate change. We ensure that a more sustainable society is achieved through a just transition where­by no one is left behind. We need to cut carbon dioxide emissions, invest in renewables, assist developing countries and address the employment and training needs of workers most directly affected. EPSU will continue to lobby hard to ensure that the policies of European countries  are the most effective possible in mitigating and adapting to the demands of climate change.

Briefing 7 : Climate change (ENFR - DE - ES -   SVRU)

For the previous briefings: