European Integration - Education Module

EPSU has developed a toolkit that help you to understand the challenges facing the trade unions:

Facts 4: The treaty on European union and public services (page 14)
The treaty of the European Union has its origins back to the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951 (Treaty of Paris) and subsequently to the European Economic Community in 1957 (Treaty of Rome). A third smaller organisation Euratom was also established in 1957.

Facts 5: The institutions and decision-making bodies of the EU (page 16)
The European Union has a unique institutional system. The three key decision-making institutions, the "institutional triangle", are the Commission, Council and Parliament. There are also a range of advisory bodies, financial institutions and specialist European agencies.

Facts 6: Decision-making in an enlarged European Union (page 18)
Decision-making at European Union level takes place at several levels. The rules for decision-making procedure are laid down in the Treaties. In the area of legislation there are three main ways in which decisions are made: codecision, assent and consultation. When trade unions are lobbying the European institutions on proposd legislation they need to be aware of the different ways in which decisions are made so that they can influence these processes.

Facts 7: How do trade unions organise at the European level? (page 20)
Trade unions operate at the European level to represent the interest of working people, by ensuring that the European Union takes propoer account of issues such as unemployment, social exclusion, social dialogue and workers rights.

Facts 8: EPSU and the sectoral social dialogue (page 22)
What is the Sectoral Social Dialogue?
As a European Industry Federation, EPSU is a player in the Sectoral Scoial Dialogue. This is a process that involves information, consultation, partnership and negotiation with employers at the European level. In addition, the social partners are also engaged in formal and informal consultations with the European public authorities in key areas of policy making. The enlargement of the EU provides a major motivation for effective sectoral social dialogue, mainly as an engine to set up adequate social dialogue structures in the new member states.

Facts 10: Trade unions organising in an enlarged europe (page 26)In addition to the role played by the public service unions in the sectoral social dialogue there are a number of ways in which trade unions are organising in an enlarged Europe.

- To read more download the toolkit here