EP calls for human rights and environment standards in trade deals

(7 December) The European Parliament on 26 November asked the Commission to include clauses on human rights, social rights and environment standards in international trade agreements. This was the outcome of an Initiative report by the EP. The proposal to introduce legally binding social, environmental and human right clauses is highly welcome from the trade unions. In the light of the current situation in Colombia, where trade unionists are on a daily threat, we call the European Commission to follow this report by the EP.

Trade unions will keep up the pressure to make sure that EU values are not left aside when it comes to trade policy. The CSR and the social and environmental clauses in trade agreements pursue the same objective: Fairer human globalisation in the service of sustainable development.

The Parliament asks the Commission to incorporate a chapter on sustainable development which includes a CSR clause in all the EU's trade agreements with requirements on reporting, due diligence, judicial cooperation and monitoring, as well as to reinforce its promotion of CSR in multilateral trade policies. EPSU calls the European Commission to commit themselves in such issues.

Today EPSU will be participating at the hearing at the European Parliament on trade union rights in Colombia

On human rights and social and environmental standards in international trade agreements :

- http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?type=REPORT&reference=A7-2010-0312&language=EN

- Corporate social responsibility in international trade agreements

- International Trade Policy in the context of Climate Change imperatives