CEMR-EPSU joint report on the impact on jobs and working conditions by migration at local level

Migration policies at local level
(26 February 2016) In 2015, Europe faced the biggest refugee crisis since the end of World War II. By the end of August 2015, 10 countries with the highest number of asylum seekers received more then 548.596 asylum applications compared to the 571.000 during 2014 at the European level. At the same time, Europe is in the process of deep demographic change with an aging population and it is predicted that by 2020 European counties will need 66 million migrants to sustain the contemporary level of economic development. Migration raised new challenges for local and regional authorities across Europe particularly related to the integration agenda, although they are not solely responsible for the implementation of the migration policies. Certain municipalities in the EU, have formulated their own integration policies as a reaction of the absence of integrational measures at the national level.

- For the full summary and report