EPSU warns for a series of UK Opt-outs as Cameron seeks "reconfiguration" of relation with EU

(10 October 2012) The UK prime minister, the conservative party leader David Cameron, has announced that he will call for a referendum on the future relationship with the UK. Opposed as he is to leaving the EU, he wants a different settlement. He knows the European market is important for UK exports. He seeks to have the Single Market, and not much more. EPSU, Europe’s public service federation, is concerned about an approach to the EU which would undermine protection for workers in the UK.

The UK conservatives only want the Single Market and to relieve business of social legislation, diminish the role of trade unions and workplace representatives, to pursue their dream of savage competition. Social dumping for workers in the UK and elsewhere will be the result. The EU treaty makes clear that the Internal Market comes with a social market, feeble as it is. The European Commission should make this clear to Mr. Cameron.” says EPSU’s Deputy General Secretary Jan Willem Goudriaan.

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