Strikes to the finish in University clinics Germany for more staff– EPSU message of solidarity

photo from ver.di website - health worker

(16 August 2018) Following actions and pressure of ver.di the lack of medical staff in health and elderly care is now seen as a national emergency in Germany. More workers are needed for the care of the patients and elderly and to reduce workloads. This will also help address the high levels of stress suffered by workers. The government has taken measures and made money available. Not all employers are engaging with ver.di to regulate the extra staff, the qualifications, their pay and conditions in a collective agreement. To put pressure on the University clinics of Essen and Düsseldorf workers have started collective action and a series of strikes. Staff has decided to a strike till the end. The unions want extra staff. No worker should do a night shift alone. An emergency service has been agreed with management.

EPSU has sent a message of solidarity to ver.di.

Ver.di has concluded such collective agreements with other clinics for example in Baden-Württemberg (4 clinics in Ulm, Tübingen, Heidelberg and Freiburg).

 For a previous article


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