EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement: Transparency totally lacking

(21 October 2014) Trade negotiators for Japan and EU are meeting this week. EPSU and other organisations want that the EU and Japan provide full details of the mandate and the texts being discussed. The trade negotiators will seek to make progress on a free trade agreement between the EU and Japan. Such a trade deal could be similar as those currently being discussed between the EU and Canada (CETA) and between the EU and the US (TTIP). The CETA agreement and the TTIP negotiations are meeting fierce opposition from trade unions and social movements. Other negotiations are escaping scrutinity such as those on Trade in Services TISA and between the EU and Japan. Will the EU negotiate our trade union and social rights away ? Will it open public services for more competition and trade ? We also understand that the investor state dispute settlement procedure will be included. The EU-Japan trade agreement, like TTIP will link with yet another trade agreement TPP that involves the countries in the Pacific Ocean. With these trade agreements corporations and conservative/ right wing government deliberately create a web of agreements that make it very hard for citizens and politicians to control and regulate.

Europe Japan