Italian energy union FLAEI elects new leadership and direction for future

(2 June 2017) The Italian energy sector is going through many changes. Companies come and go, restructure and close older power plants. The renewable sector starts growing. Digitalisation, smart grids have an impact on future work. Core membership drops and workers in energy service companies are more difficult to organize. Promoting women to play a full role in the union and encouraging them to take leadership positions remains a challenge in a male dominated industry. These were some of the issues discussed in the Congress of the Italian union FLAEI (CISL). It is working on closer collaboration with the unions in transport and in culture and telecommunications. Unions are cooperating around the network industries.

EPSU General Secretary attended the Congress and paid his respect to the contributions Carlo DeMasi has made to the union movement in Italy and in Europa. He welcomed the new General Secretary Carlo Meazzi and his team. FLAEI and other Italian unions are active in the EWC of ENEL and with the global federation PSI organize around the international agreement between the unions and management.

The Congress took place 24-25 May 2017, Sardegna, Italy
