EPSU and CEMR discuss public procurement, social fairness package and gender equality

Gender Equality guidelines at Social Dialogue Local and Regional Government working group meeting 22 March 2018

(6 April 2018) These were the main issues discussed at the social dialogue working group meeting that took place of 22 March 2018.   The European Commission is currently  revising  the 2011  EC Guide on socially responsible public procurement to take account of the improvements made in the 2014 public procurement  Directives.  EPSU and CEMR adopted a joint statement following the 2011 Guide and will want to have a say in the development of the new Guide. 

The working group also received an overview  the ‘social fairness package’ published by the European Commission o 13 March.  This contains  a Communication, a Staff working document elaborating with European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) principles, a proposal for a Council recommendation on access to social protection, and a  proposal for a Regulation establishing a European Labour Authority (ELA).  Detailed discussion took place in the working group on the social protection Recommendation as well the recently proposed draft Directive for transparency and predictability in working conditions.  Both of the instruments are potential tools to improve protection for atypical workers.  The  transpareny Directive is expected to lead for example to between 2-3 million more worked receiving written information about their jobs (see photo). 

The working group also discussed the EC gender equality action plan, that covers  many areas  including pay transparency.  This discussion was useful to support implementation of EPSU- CEMR revised guidelines on gender equality action plans in local and regional government that were adopted in December 2017.