Resources on transnational companies

Please see our main section on >TNCs and EWCs

See also our section on>Public Utilities

Public Services International, EPSU and the UK based Public Services International Research Unit carry out extensive research on the developments in different public services and the activities of transnational companies in these sectors. Information is available on:
- Energy
- Water
- Waste
- Local government
- Health care and social services
- Several contracted-out services in cleaning, catering, IT

Due to the diversification of the companies research also covers telecommunications, computer-services and urban transport. Company and sector profiles are available. PSI affiliates can get a password to access this information. Your information on the activities of transnational companies is also valuable. It can assist other workers and unions in winning their fights.
For a glimpse of what is available check the PSI World Utilities Site and the Multinational Map and see PSIRU.

Prison Privatisation Report International: new issue available. Like many other public services, prisons are targeted for privatisation. Australia, the US, but also the UK are taking the lead. The privatised prisons are dominated by transnational companies whose main aim is profit. Please check for the latest Prison Privatisation Report International (28/05/02).

Other resources:
Executive Pay Watch (maintained by AFL-CIO);
Multinational Monitor
Corporate Watch (links)

Codes of Conduct can be one way to seek improvements of company behaviour. Several European Works Councils (EDF, Suez e.g) have been involved in such codes, often under the label of Corporate Social Responsibility. A very well developed campaign around codes of conduct has been undertaken by the Clean Clothes Campaign in which many unions participate as well. There is a reference guide on code implementation and verification of the Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC) available on their website which presents an overview of eight years of code related work. It provides links to materials that were developed by the CCC and others related to code content, implementation systems and mechanisms for verification. The guide also includes materials regarding the discussion on the usefulness of codes as a strategy for improving the application of international labour standards throughout supply chains, and the primary challenges for the future.

On there website you will also find a series of links to organisations including trade unions that have been active in this field.

The Clean Clothes Campaign was also actively engaged in the European Coalition for Social and Environmental Procurement to obtain a reference to social and environmental standards in the European Procurement Directives. See

A separate section, quite high on the same page:

OECD Guidelines on Multinational Companies

The OECD has produced a set of guidelines that responsible companies should follow. These guidelines are approved by the OECD governments. TUAC, (Trade Union Advisory Council) of the OECD has produced a Users' Guide to the guidelines. In the annex you will also find the guidelines themselves.

Language versions:

Chinese, English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish

TUAC has also worked on a project to make the OECD Guidelines understandable and usuable for European Works Councils.

For the training modules go to:



