KESK, DISK and other organisations call for general strike

(17 June 2013) The Turkish trade union confederations DISK and KESK (Public services) have called for a general strike on 17 June 2013. This call follows the forced removal of the protestors in the Taksim square and Gezipark this weekend. Together with the Turkish Medical and social TTB (doctors) and the Electricity organisation TMMOB (electricians, engineers) the unions want to express their concerns with the current labour market developments, growing inequality, authoritarian regime of the prime-minister and his party AKP. They also complain about the police violence and call for an end to this. The groups also express their support for the demands of the Taksim Solidarity Platform.
- To read more (TR)

- For a previous report

The press release of KESK :

Monday, 17 June 2013

Our strike action has started enthusiastically in entire provinces of the country!

Freedom lover laborers who are striking a claim on their futures, has started taking the streets in entire provinces of Turkey in order to demonstrate their democratic responses to the ruling of AKP which have transformed country into a hell by inserting its authoritarian practices.
Meeting at 16.00 in Tünel in İstanbul, at 12.30 in Kolej Square in Ankara and at 13.00 in Basmane in İzmir laborers have been on the streets of central provinces of Turkey.

Due to the mass participation in the demonstrations, political power put a policy of threat, repression and intimidation into action. Initially Minister of Interior Affairs and the others should give up their challenging statements and threats. Such threats clearly violate firstly Article 90 of Turkish Constitution and international conventions and agreements including those of ILO.

Intimidations and investigations launched in the past were concluded in favor of our part and such conclusions have been made on the ground of domestic and international legislation. Therefore the government must abandon these authoritarian, unlawful and unfair, and fascist repressions and practices which have already lead the country to a depression and crisis.

As far as these policies and practices, which are the basis of our strike action, are continuing, our struggle and resistance will continuingly increase.

Kamu Emekçileri Sendikaları Konfederasyonu

Çehre Sokak, No: 6/1, GOP, Ankara, Türkiye

Tel: 0090 312 436 71 11

Fax: 0090 312 436 74 70


Polizeigewalt in der Türkei muss sofort beendet werden –
ver.di unterstützt Generalstreik

- Protest Letter from the Swedish Union Vision

- Letter from Kommunal, Swedish union

- 21 June 2013: Action of unions in Spain to support Turkish workers and citizens and demand an end to the violence