ETUC exposes gap between words and deeds of the Commission on financing social policy

EU budget for the future

(1 June 2018) The ETUC condemns the cuts in social spending the European Commission has proposed in its Multiannual Financial Framework, or the EU budget. It says that there is a wide gap between words like the EU pillar of social rights and the actual finances to support this. EPSU agrees.  The gap between words and actions is clear. The European Commission wanted to portray itself as champion of social dialogue with its New Start for Social Dialogue in 2015 and the first phase consultation on Information and Consultation. But it rejected the outcome of the social partner negotiations on these very rights for central government workers. And this despite the EU Pillar of Social Rights calling for all workers to have those rights. And let us not forget that the Commission is challenging the right to strike for airtraffic controllers.  With its rhetoric over being big on big things and small on small things, the Commission misses that for workers all these things are very big. And in our case of the agreement, the Commission lied outright.

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