Rules of Procedure for the European Social Dialogue Committee


In the framework of articles 152, 154 and 155 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and the European Commission Decision of 20 May 1998 annexed to its Communication entitled "Adapting and promoting the social dialogue at Community level" COM (1998) 322, EUPAE (European Public Administration Employers) and TUNED (EPSU and CESI) have requested the establishment of a Social Dialogue Committee in the Central Government Administration sector in the EU (hereinafter: "the Committee").

EUPAE and TUNED recognise each other at all levels as being representative of the interests of employers and employees in the Central Government Administration sector in the European Union in accordance with Annex 1 of European Commission Communication COM(98) 322.

The Committee’s work programme, and the formulation and implementation of statements, common positions or other types of documents agreed in the Committee shall take account of specific national contexts, which differ in the way public services are organised and provided and in the way social dialogue practices and procedures are determined.

In accordance with article 5§1 of the aforementioned Commission Decision which states that “each Committee shall, together with the Commission, establish its own rules of procedure”, the Internal Rules of Procedure for the Committee are set out below.

For the full text of the Rules of Procedure: