Enlarged Steering Committee ETUC: European action, support for climate action students, and Congress

ETUC - European elections 2019

(27 February 2019) The ETUC Executive Committee agreed to organize a European action in Brussels on 26 April. The action will underline the demands of Europe’s trade unions for the European Parliament elections in May and for the new European Commission. More information follows. The ETUC Executive further decided to support the Climate Actions of 15 March. Schoolchildren, many teachers and others will strike for the climate demanding concrete and ambitious measures to limit global warming to the 1.5 degrees increase scenario as outlined in the Paris agreement.

Members were informed about the agreements reached between the European Parliament and the Council on various social legislation files such as on Work-Life Balance, on the European Labour Authority and on the Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions Directive. EPSU has strongly criticized that the Member States, and approved by the conservative dominated Parliament, allow for exclusions of the rights and protections the directive offers. ETUC will work with the affiliates on monitoring the implementation. Progress reports were given on the regulation on social security coordination, on the mobility package and on the company law package. Unions will be asked to press governments and members of the European Parliament to ensure a positive outcome.

The bulk of the discussions concerned Congress however. The draft programme for Congress was considered. The procedures for elections of candidates for the Secretariat and the Presidency were debated and will be proposed to the March Executive Committee. The General Secretary is consulting the unions to come with a proposal to the March Executive.

Executive Committee members participated in an ETUC picture action in support of the ETUC Programme for the European Parliament elections and discussed the campaign for the European Parliament elections.

The enlarged Steering Committee of the ETUC in which all Executive Committee members can participate took place 26 February 2019, Brussels. The EPSU General and Deputy General Secretary participated. The Congress Preparation Committee of ETUC took place on 27th. This committee discusses the Programme of Action and the amendments of affiliates. EPSU has introduced several amendments to ensure the programme reflects the concerns and demands of Europe’s public service workers.