Unions take action in private and public health and local services


The three public service federations – Fp-Cgil, Cisl-FP and Uil-Fpl – have organised a day of action across the country on 25 March in public health and local services to put pressure on the government to improve pay and implement an urgent recruitment plan to tackle understaffing across the sectors. The unions say that they presented a list of key bargaining demands two years ago but the government has failed to properly respond or commit the resources needed to fund the demands. Meanwhile the same federations are mobilising their members in social care to put pressure on the AIOP and ARIS religious and private employer organisations to negotiate a new collective agreement covering residential homes. The unions argue that there is an urgent need to recognise the contribution made by workers in the sector, particularly during the pandemic and a revision of the agreement is long overdue since the last negotiations 14 years ago.

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