OUTSOURCING Consultation

EN - FR - GE - SP - SWE - BG - CZ - HU - RO - SC

- Draft agreement on outsourcing - Draft code of practice on outsourcing

- Projet d'accord sur l'externalisation - Projet de code de bonne pratique sur l'externalisation

- Entwurf einer Vereinbarung über die
Auslagerung von Unternehmensleistungen (Outsourcing)-Entwurf eines Verhaltenskodex für die Auslagerung von Unternehmensteilen

- Propuesta de acuerdo sobre externalización - Propuesta de código de prácticas de externalización

- Utkast till avtal om utläggning av verksamhet - Utkast till uppförandekod för utläggning av verksamhet

- Проектодоговор за възлагане на дейност на подизпълнител -Проект за кодекс за професионално поведение при възлагане на дейности на подизпълнител

- Návrh dohody o outsourcingu - Návrh prováděcího předpisu při outsourcingu

- Az erőforrás-kihelyezésről való megállapodás tervezet - Gyakorlati Szabályok tervezete az erőforrás-kihelyezésre vonatkozóan

- Propunere referitoare la externalizarea serviciilor - Codul de practică în externalizare - propunere

- Okvirni sporazum o izmeštanju - Nacrt pravilnika o politici izmeštanja

- Briefing on outsourcing - background information (English only)

Attached are copies of the draft agreement and code of practice on outsourcing translated into the main EPSU languages. The draft agreement and code were circulated in English before the last Public Utilities standing committee in April where it was agreed that a full debate would take place at the October meeting once translations were available.

Also attached as background information (in English only) is a briefing on outsourcing. This has been circulated to the committee before and includes summary findings of a small survey on best practice in outsourcing.

The draft agreement should be the basis of discussion between unions and individual companies or multinationals while the code of practice should be on the agenda of the social dialogue between unions and Eurelectric the European employers' organisation.

In each case it may be that the agreement reached with an individual company or the code of practice agreed with Eurelectric might differ from the original draft. However, the key issue at this stage is to try to ensure that both the draft agreement and code provide a reasonable starting point for negotiations.

Please make any suggestions for important points which you think are currently missing from the draft documents.

If your union already has an agreement on outsourcing or a collective agreement which refers to outsourcing then please provide us with a copy.

It would be very useful if you could comment on the drafts before the standing committee meeting on 6 October. If you can contact the EPSU secretariat by 9 September with any suggested changes, the secretariat can look at these in advance of the meeting and highlight in particular similar proposals coming from different unions. This should help any discussions about re-drafting at the meeting itself.