EPSU supports Italian women demonstrating against misuse of their image

(11 February) The European Federation of Public Services Unions (EPSU)on behalf of its 8 million members, 67% of whom are women, wants to express its solidarity with women's protest day that is taking place in Italy this Sunday 13 February .

The protest, led by women including EPSU's vice-president Rosa Pavanelli ( FP CGIL) , calls for respect of women's dignity.

It is also a fresh reminder that attacks against gender equality go hand in hand, most often than not, with attacks on solidarity, between women and men, the poor and the rich and the north and the south.

Women in Italy, like elsewhere in the world, work inside and outside the house. It exists a campaign in the press and in the media undermine their role in Italian society. There is a permanent use of women as a sexual object without forgetting the permanent scandals in which the Prime Minister of Italy is involved.

This mobilization wants to reclaim the real role that women can and do play in our societies.

To read the leaflet in italian see the pdf: