Taking stock of the liberalization of public utilities

November 2005, Taking Stock of the Liberalization of public utilities: can structural reforms bring the Lisbon strategy back on track ?}}, Niklas Noaksson (ETUI-REHS)

It is claimed that liberalisation of public services like electricity, gas, transport and water will bring benefits including of higher long-term productivity and increased employment. It is vital that these claims are checked against reality. EPSU and affiliated unions are actively engaged in this process. EPSU has commissioned several studies to this end. We want facts, not ideological dogmatism.

- Read more at www.psiru.org

- Taking stock of the liberalization of public utilities : can structural reforms bring the Lisbon strategy back on track, Final report November 2005, Niklas Noaksson, Researcher at the European Trade Union Institute for Research, Education, Safety and Health, research department (ETUI-REHS)