Social partners Electricity sector respond to "Future of Energy Community"

(9 April 2015) In a joint letter EPSU, Eurelectric and IndustriAll respond to the consultation about the future of the Energy Community. The European social partners in the Electricity sector are committed to the well functioning of the Energy Community and believe that a well-functioning social dialogue is key to its success.
“We welcome the reform of the Energy Community organisation. However our main concern remains that there is no social strategy in the Energy Community. We have raised this and other concerns in our joint contribution (attached) to the Consultation on the social strategy last year. We would like to emphasize again that the Memorandum of Understanding on the Social Aspects of the Energy Community is to be fully integrated in a revised Treaty. We also insist that the Energy Community should promote a regional social dialogue, just like the European Union promotes a European social dialogue.”

“We are convinced that these steps are inherent to further develop the Energy Community and to ensure that it achieves its objectives to bring social progress at work, employment and improved working and living conditions for the people in the countries concerned.”

Read the full letter: