Project "Promoting Employers' Social Services Organisations in Social Dialogue" (PESSIS II) (2014)

Brussels, 14/15 January 2014

Summary information on PESSIS II

- EPSU is being involved in as trade union partner, called PESSIS 2, “PESSIS” being the acronym for “Promoting employers’ social services organisations in social dialogue” that started in January 2014.

- A first aim of the project is to establish a representative platform for non-for-profit employers in the social services sector at European level.

- The second mid-/long-term objective of the organisations having initiated the project and process – the members of Social Services Europe (for more information on this network see below) – is to have the whole sector of social services (and at least also the NGO/not-for-profit/social economy employers, in addition to the social services provided by public authorities at local and regional level; not clear what will happen with the employer organisations that bring together for-profit/commercial providers”) covered by/under structures of sectoral social dialogue at EU-level, either in an existing committee (SSDC LRG or SSDC HS) or by means of a new committee which would need to be set up.

- There are three main activities foreseen under the project:

1) A mapping exercise will be done for 6 countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Italy, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden. The country reports (to be drafted in the official language of the country concerned and in English) should cover the structures, functioning, topics and outcomes of social dialogue in the field of social services – both for the public sector, but also for the private sector, in particular there for the not-for-profit/social economy part.

2) An in-depth analysis of existing structures, capacities and interests on the side of employers' organisations will be done for 5 countries: in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany and in The Netherlands.

3) A series of meetings with relevant EU-level social partners and other stakeholders to explore the pros and cons of different options if and how to best cover the sector of social services or at least important sub-sectors such as elderly care, child care and care of persons with disability under structures of sectoral social dialogue at EU-level.

- A final conference (participation on invitation by the project coordinator EASPD or by EPSU for our affiliates) will take place on 23 September 2014 in Brussels.

Further reading and relevant links

- You can have a look at the project presentation given by the project coordinator EASPD at the kick-off meeting, 14 and 15 January 2014, Brussels

- Read the Newsletter 1 (April 2014) of the PESSIS II Project

- Read the Newsletter 2 (July 2014) of the PESSIS II Project

- Read the Newsletter 3 (September 2014) of the PESSIS II Project

- Read the Newsletter 4 (December 2014) of the PESSIS II Project

- All relevant information on the PESSIS II Project (January-September 2014) can be accessed via the webpage of Social Services Europe, under menu point "Projects" and there under "PESSIS II".

You'll find there and on
EPSU's webpage a lot of information and all relevant documents elaborated in the framework of the PESSIS I Project run in 2012.