Massive participation in European actions on the UN Public Service Day 23 June – Value our public services

Public Service Day 23 June 2021

(24 June 2021) Unions joined the action to celebrate the work of public service workers on International Public Service Day in many different ways. There were unions that sent messages to public service workers in recognition of the work they did during the pandemic. Press releases linked the day with demands of unions for more resources and more staff to deliver quality public services. Videos, press conferences, articles in the media and protest actions underlined that after years of austerity and underfunding it is time for governments at all levels to invest in and fund health and social care, public services and public infrastructure to build a future for all, not for the few. Many attended the debates we organized. Thousands of workers joined the picture action and showed we have a common voice despite our many countries. We sent our solidarity to workers engaged in industrial action and strikes on the day.

Together we made clear – Value our Public Services and the work of all those women and men delivering. Public services are key to enjoy human rights, crucial to reach the Sustainable Development Goals and implement the pillar of social rights, have equality and build our economies and societies. We say no to austerity and to the commercialization and privatization of our public services. We demand decent pay and better working conditions and the staff and resources for quality public services.  23 June we celebrated the work of all. Today we continue our struggle a better future for public service workers and Europe’s people.

If you have not done so, please send us the pictures you took on the action day, the articles you posted or the actions you undertook. Together they make our common voice and demands visible. Different countries and unions, we have the same struggle for quality public services and better pay and conditions for workers.

  • Speakers - discussants - 23 June 2021