A joint trade union effort to push for youth employment

(19 May 2015) EPSU, through its youth network and four other European Trade Union Federations (ETUFs) jointly wrote to the European Commission on 12 May urging to take further decisive action on youth employment.

The letter (see below) urges the European Commission to act to reduce the dramatic levels of youth unemployment across the EU. Currently, the EU average for youth unemployment stands at over 20% and is up to nearly 60% in some countries such as Greece and Spain. A year has passed since the European elections and promises keep pouring but the figures do not get any better.

The joint letter has been signed by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), IndustriAll, the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers, the European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions, the European Transport Workers’ Federation, UNI Europa and EPSU.

For EPSU the role of governments and public institutions is key to foster youth employment in Europe as we see today a freeze in public employment. The EU’s only response to youth employment crisis has been to set up the so-called Youth Guarantee, which is an assurance that every worker under 25 entering the labour market will receive a concrete offer of employment or training within four months. Without a massive plan of public sector job creation these youth will never be able to continue a career as teachers, tax inspectors, health and social services workers, etc.