Italian unions finally win pay increases

The three union federations in the public sector, CGIL, CISL and UIL, have finally won a new pay agreement from the Italian government. After a 17-month campaign involving three general strikes across the public sector the unions signed a deal with the government on 28th May. The unions had been planning a series of regional strikes in the public sector during June in order to keep the pressure on the government.

Carlo Podda, General Secretary of the FP CGIL said: “The settlement is of extraordinary importance because, other than allowing the start of negotiations for contract renewals, it represents overcoming all those, who like the Government and the Confindustria have, in all these months worked for generally blocking negotiations in our country.”

The agreement confirms an increase of 100€ per month for employees in national administration (the ministries), 91.51€ for local government, 102.8€ for the health sector and 120.7€ for non-economic public organisations.

A 90€ increase on basic salary corresponds to a rise of 6.6% and will be a useful starting point for other pay negotiations, starting with the metal workers. The settlement is higher than the 4.3% recently offered by the government which was claiming that any higher offer would be impossible in the current economic climate.