First meeting of the EPSU network on Early Childhood Education and Care

ChildCare ©CanStockPhoto by Oksun70

(12 May 2021) On Monday, 10 May, the EPSU Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) network met for the first time this year.

The meeting focused on the output of the Commission Working Group on inclusion and professionalization in Early Childhood Education and Care organized by DG EAC. As EPSU we have been involved in the WG and constantly provided inputs over the past two years. We met to discuss the implications for trade unions and how we can effectively use this report in our own work.

The reports focus on both initial and continuous professional development, career pathways and opportunities, diversity of staff (e.g. tackling the gender gap, ensuring diversity of ethnic background), as well as working conditions. Géraldine Libreau has been coordinating the WG for the Commission. She presented the main outcomes of the reports and what they mean for ECEC workers.

Following this, we discussed how unions can use and are using these guidelines in practise, be it to support demands, initiate advocacy efforts etc. To this end, we heard presentations from colleagues from Hungary and Finland.

See here the final report “How to recruit, train and motivate well-qualified staff”

See here the webinar on May 20th on the recruitment and training of qualified ECEC staff where the EPSU Childcare Network will be represented on a panel