ETUC flexicurity survey

(29 April 2010) The ETUC and the other European social partners are involved in a project on flexicurity as part of the inter-sectoral social dialogue. Part of the project involves a questionnaire that has been sent to national trade union centres.

The ETUC explains that the main purpose of the survey is to assess the relevance of the Flexicurity concept to the national labour market framework in each country and to seek the opinion of trade union confederations on the role the social partners play in initiating, influencing and implementing policies and practices that might be considered under the broad umbrella of “Flexicurity”.

Please contact your trade union confederation if you want to contribute to the response from your country.

A copy of the questionnaire can be downloaded in French or English.

The completed questionnaires must be sent to the ETUC by the trade union confederations by 20 May 2010.

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