EPSU/CEMR organised a joint Conference on social dialogue in the new Member States/candidate countries on 14 October in Budapest

(28 October 2005) The Conference discussed the findings of a survey carried out by ECOTEC, with the support of the European Commission.
Developing social dialogue in the local and regional government sector across Europe is one of the key priorities of EPSU/CEMR's work programme in the sectoral social dialogue Committee for local and regional government. In this dialogue, the CEMR Employers' Platform represents the employers' side and EPSU the employees.

The Conference survey provides an overview of the key actors in local and regional government in the ‘new' member States and candidate countries as well as describe the main issues facing the social partners. These issues include decentralisation of competences, restructuring of local public services, lack of resources, and employment concerns. While a number of these concerns are common in the "old" EU countries too (e.g., outsourcing, privatisation and PPPs), social dialogue structures in the sector are not yet sufficiently developed to deal with these effectively, especially at sectoral level.

The follow-up to the Conference, which will be discussed at the next plenary meeting of the Sectoral Committee (scheduled for 31 January 2006), will address how to respond to the issues raised by the survey and the Conference and further develop joint activities in support of social dialogue.

- Minutes of the conference

- Participants list

- Presentation of overview of findings, by ECOTEC

- Strengthening social dialogue in the local and regional government sector in the ‘new' Member States and candidate countries:Overview of findings of the report prepared for CEMR and EPSU by ECOTEC with the financial support of the European Commission, 26.10.2005

- full report

- Sotsiaalse dialoogi tugevdamine ”uute” liikmesriikide ning kandidaatriikide kohalike ja piirkondlike omavalitsuste sektoris: Ülevaade järeldustest - Järeldused on esitatud Euroopa Kohalike ja Regionaalsete Omavalitsuste Nõukogu (CEMR) ning Euroopa Riigitöötajate Ametiühingute Föderatsiooni (EPSU) jaoks ECOTECi poolt Euroopa Komisjoni rahalisel toel koostatud aruandes, 26.10.2005

- A társadalmi párbeszéd megerősítése a helyi és regionális kormányzás szektorában az “új" Tagállamokban és a jelölt országokban: Az eredmények áttekintése a CEMR és az EPSU számára az ECOTEC által az Európai Bizottság anyagi támogatásával készített jelentésre nézve, 26.10.2005

- Wzmacnianie dialogu społecznego we władzach lokalnych i regionalnych w “nowych” Państwach Członkowskich oraz państwach kandydujących: Przegląd wyników badań- Na podstawie raportu przygotowanego dla CEMR oraz EPSU przez ECOTEC przy wsparciu finansowym Komisji Europejskiej, 26.10.2005

- Posilnenie sociálneho dialógu v sektore miestnej a regionálnej správy v „nových“ členských štátoch a kandidátskych krajinách: Prehľad zistení- Správy spracovanej pre CEMR a EPSU spol. ECOTEC s finančnou podporou Európskej komisie, 26.10.2005

- Yerel ve bölgesel yönetim sektöründe sosyal diyaloğun ‘yeni' Üye Devletlerde ve aday ülkelerde güçlendirilmesi: Bulguların genel açıklaması - Avrupa Komisyonu'nun mali desteği ile ECOTEC tarafından CEMR ve EPSU için hazırlanmış olan rapordan, 26.10.2005

- full report

- Pictures of the Conference