EPSU 8th Congress briefing - Local and Regional Government

The Local and Regional Government section of our congress will focus on :

Item 14) Resolution R.5: “Local and Regional Government” – introduced by Anders Hammarbäck (pictured), chair of the EPSU committee for local government, calls for EPSU and affiliates to develop a coordinated response to the challenges facing local and regional government, including those stemming from EU policy proposals and case law from the European Court of Justice; for unions to develop partnerships or agreements on quality public services at local or regional level between employers and public authorities, that can underpin the principles set out in the Protocol on public services annexed to the Lisbon Treaty; strive for good pay and working conditions for workers in local and regional government, municipal organizations and private companies active in local public services, including pensions and other issues identified as priorities for unions (e.g. equal pay, employment status and atypical work); strengthen the on-going social dialogue with the European Council for Municipalities and Regions (CEMR).

Specifically in the sector of Local and Regional Government EPSU thinks that Europe needs a positive agenda for quality local public services, based on shared principles and values, such as solidarity, equal access, universality, continuity, adaptability, affordability, proximity, social partnership and democratic control.

Local self government and local democracy are bedrocks of our societies. Citizens, workers and businesses depend on dynamic, sustainable and inclusive communities. The diversity of local and regional government structures and competences in Europe is a strength, not a weakness.

EPSU opposes further privatization of public services and aims to build alliances with civil society in favour of quality local public services, to stimulate awareness and participation in decisions concerning the development of public services.

EPSU will also monitor the implementation of and follow-up key EU social directives in the Local and Regional Government sector.
EPSU will call on the new Parliament to ensure that the evaluation procedure for public procurement is improved, to include social, as well as environmental provisions.