EP report on the future of SSGI voted in 5 July plenary session

(Brussels, 6 July 2011) The European Parliament in its Plenary Session of 5 July adopted the own-initiative report on the future of social services of general interest (SSGI), (2009/2222(INI)), presented by rapporteur Proinsias De Rossa (S&D, IRL).

EPSU has been involved in all stages of the process of preparing, drafting and discussing the report. The final version of the report has not yet been made available, we therefore for the time being link to the report as of 22 June 2011 including the opinions of other EP Committees, see the report here.

Further reading: EP report on the future of SSGI voted in EMPL Committee and EPSU contributes to SSGI debate in Intergroup Trade Unions