Electricity social partners agree joint framework of actions on competencies and training – addressing youth unemployment and climate change

(15 March 2013) The European electricity sector is at an unprecedented cross-roads facing key challenges to meet Europe’s energy and climate objectives for 2020 and beyond. This transition towards a low-carbon economy will imply a complete transformation of the sector, strongly impacting upon today and tomorrow’s skills and jobs needs, and requiring massive investments in generation capacity and infrastructures. In this context, the European Electricity Social Partners (i.e. EURELECTRIC representing the employers and EPSU and industriAll Europe representing the employees) - strongly believe that social dialogue at company, national and European level has a key role to play to anticipate those changes and allow for a smooth transition of the sector. The framework of actions addresses a broad range of issues including youth unemployment and climate change.

The Social Partners are committed to ensure young workers also find jobs in the electricity sector. There is a commitment to increase the number of apprenticeships in the companies with a view to employing those young workers on a full-time basis in our sector. The social partners also support the idea of the youth guarantee. The social partners are will continue to discuss together the impact the transition towards a low-carbon economy will have on the electricity sector, the companies and jobs .

Important in the statement is also the attention that is paid to follow up.

For the statement: