Eastern European confederations debate public services

On 19-20 December 35 representatives of trade union confederations from Eastern Europe and Central Asia met in Brussels to discuss public services, public finances, taxation, corruption, procurement and trade agreements. The meeting was jointly organised by EPSU and the Pan-European Regional Council (PERC) of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).

Impact of liberalisation

The meeting began with a debate about liberalisation and its impact on the European Union but also on how EU policy, particularly in sectors like energy, had an impact on several neighbouring countries in the East. The emphasis was on how liberalisation had yet to deliver in terms of growth and jobs on the scale predicted by the European Commission.

Efficiency and effectiveness of public services

A broad discussion around the role of public spending gave the lie to claims that the public sector was a drag on growth and emphasised the key themes of sustainability, efficiency and accountability. Dave Hall of the PSIRU research organisation covered the mounting evidence that private sector was no more efficient that the public sector in the provision of many services. The data on healthcare were also very clear, showing the risks associated with allowing a greater role for the private sector.

Public finances, austerity and flat taxes

Pierre Habbard of the Trade Union Advisory Committee at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) gave a detailed overview of trends in taxation and fiscal consolidation in OECD member countries. He examined in particular at issues around progressive taxation and the important of tackling the growing income inequalities being experienced in many countries.

This led into an analysis of the impact of flat taxation with a particularly focus on Bulgaria by Atanas Vladikov of Plovdiv University and a contribution from the FPU confederation in the Ukraine which has launched an initiative around fair taxation and decent incomes.

Grey economy and corruption

On the second day there were three presentations on corruption and the grey economy and a discussion about some of the practical tools that could be used to tackle these and the trade union role in promoting these.

The next session of the conference focused on EU trade agreements and the extent to which they could deliver on trade union and social rights in countries like Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova.

Public procurement

Finally the conference discussed the role of procurement both in providing protection for workers through social clauses and defending public services.