13th EPSU/FES Energy Round Table for South East European Energy Community Countries (2,5 days)

Hotel Sileks, Tourist Complex Sv. Stefan, 6000 Ohrid, Macedonia

10 (evening) - 11 - 12 September 2013

The main aim of the meeting is:

- informing on developments in the South East European Energy Community, results of the last Energy Social Forum, Social Action Plans and follow up actions,
- implementing the Memorandum of Understanding on the Social Aspects of the South East Europe Energy Treaty,
- discussing common trade union strategy regarding energy supply and investments,
- updating on the European social dialogue in the electricity and the gas sector,
- updating on collective bargaining developments in the region,
- planning future activities and trade union co-operation in South East Europe and how to campaign to get our demands implement

The meeting will be held in Macedonia, Hotel “Sileks”, Tourist Complex Sv. Stefan, 6000 Ohrid. It will start on 11 September 2013 at 9,00 in the morning and finish on 12 September 2013 after lunch. Participants are expected to arrive on 10 September 2013 in the afternoon/evening and depart on 12 September 2013 in the afternoon/evening.

Draft programme of the meeting is enclosed.

According to the conference capacity limits we invite 1-2 representatives of each trade union. List of Invited Trade Unions is enclosed.

Organisers will arrange hotel services (accommodation, food, meeting room, technical equipment) and the interpretation . According to financial possibilities some travel costs could be reimbursed as well. Country delegates travelling by cars are requested to travel together.

Please note that financial assistance will be granted only to unions that are in order with their PSI/EPSU affiliation fees including for 2013.

Simultaneous interpretation will be provided from the local language (Macedonian), English and Serbian. The delegations that need other language are requested to bring their own interpreter speaking Macedonian , Serbian or English for consecutive translation into their languages. Please let us know if you have any problems with this arrangement.


- invitation

- List of Invited Trade Unions

- participation form