TRANSFER publishes EPSU article on local and regional government

(Brussels, 29 August 2014) In the Special Issue of Transfer (the European review of Labour and Research) on local and regional government, EPSU contributes with an article on the impact of economic governance on local and regional government in Europe.

The economic and financial crisis and the European and national policies implemented in response the economic governance process have had a major impact on local and regional government across Europe. The repercussions are still being felt and will be for some time to come, especially as the system of economic governance established by the European institutions has not only fiscal consolidation at its core but also a focus on ‘modernizing public administration’, a euphemism for liberalization and deregulation.

Therefore EPSU has written an article that has been published in the issue of Transfer in August 2014, the European Review of Labour and Research especially dedicated to the economic development of local and regional government in Europe, and focuses on the implications of economic governance on this sector but also gives an overview over the role of European sectoral social dialogue in addressing the major challenges facing local and regional government. It also looks at recent policies developed by the Sectoral Social Dialogue for local and regional government and alternative ways of providing public services. Additionally, the article takes up the impact on health and social services – a sector run by local and regional administrations in many countries and the target of many of the country-specific recommendations issued as part of the economic governance process.

- EPSU article on the impact of economic governance on local and regional government in Europe - by Richard Pond (EPSU Policy Staff / Research and Collective Bargaining) and Christine Jakob (EPSU Policy Staff / Local and Regional Government and Gender Equality)

For the Special Issue of TRANSFER (published in August) look out at the ETUI webpage