New EU Social Dialogue Committee for Central Government Administrations agrees priorities

(PR 29 June 2011)
The European Social Dialogue Committee for Central Government Administrations met on 24 June to endorse its workprogramme for the next 2 years.

It was the second plenary meeting since the Committee was established last December with the EPSU-led Trade Union delegation TUNED and EUPAE, the EU Public Administration Employers, representing the majority of some 7 Million employees working in this sector.

“We have agreed a well-balanced flexible workprogramme allowing us, as social partners, to have a say in EU policy that impacts our sector notably the EU20/20 and the Single Market Act packages and responding to common challenges such as the social and economic crisis, developing concrete tools to reach gender equality, improving social dialogue and the image and attractivity of our sector. TUNED’s most immediate ambition is to contribute to shaping a positive agenda, to show that the state sector is part of the solution to the crisis, not the problem.” stated Charles Cochrane, TUNED spokesperson ( PCS, UK).

The Committee expressed a keen interest in the Commission’s pending consultation of social partners on anticipation of changes and restructuring, that was discussed in a previous meeting. According to the Commission, the massive restructuring in public services, notably in central government administrations, is likely to continue in the near future.

“ The state sector must be part of the forthcoming discussion on anticipating and managing change including employment, training and skill needs and trade union rights to information and consultation. In the public sector, policy makers talk about fiscal consolidation, yet this is clearly restructuring and as such it deserves the same attention as any other sectors when it comes down to improving the EU framework of rights. “ added Mr Cochrane.

A joint letter to Commissioner Andor will be sent to express the interest of the Committee in the Consultation.

At the meeting, EUPAE and TUNED agreed the following documents that are available @

- Workprogramme 2011-2013;

- Joint letter to the EU and Commission Presidents Barroso and Van Rompuy calling for a positive recognition of the central government sector in the EU 20/20 and Single market act in terms of employment and regulation, amongst others;

- Outline on improving the image and attractivity of the central government sector. This will form the basis for an application to the Commission on the social dialogue budget line.

The next meeting will be on 9 September in Brussels. Provisional agenda items will be working time, gender equality and the state of play with the consultation on restructuring.

For further information please contact Nadja Salson, TUNED coordinator, [email protected].